We are open to provide a number of services as described here. We specialise in brining together experts from academia, research, industry, government and philanthropic organisations to build sensor networks delivering information that can be trusted to be accurate and reliable.
Design, Installation & Operation of Monitoring Stations & Networks
From a single sensor to a hyperlocal network we will help you identify the most appropriate and effective technology for your project. We will design, procure, install, calibrate and manage the operation to ensure the highest levels of data capture and reliability
Data Analysis & Quality Assurance
Our methods ensure that data quality is optimised and levels of measurement uncertainty minimised, not only at the beginning of a monitoring campaign, but consistently throughout its operation. Traceability to reference grade monitors using advanced network calibration techniques and adherence to PAS 4023 best practice
Public Engagement & Behaviour Change
Monitoring networks produce a lot of data, so distilling this into information that is clearly understood is essential. If we are to engage with stakeholders and the public we must provide them with clear information likely to lead to healthier outcomes and better informed policy decisions.